The Frau Erica Project
Muellers in America:
The first 159 years


Mein Vaterland

Dora was of the first American-born generation, as was her brother Ernst Mueller. Although neither had been to Germany, both wrote about the Fatherland as The Great War was underway. (See Ernst’s Gold für Eisen?.)
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Mein Vaterland
Mein Vaterland!
Gott steh dir bei,
Und schirme deine Söhne!
Ihr Waffen, Wehr und Schild, Herr, sei,
Daß nicht der Feind sie höhne.
Mein Vaterland!
Steh’ Gott dir bei
In diesen Schreckensstunden!

My Fatherland
My fatherland!
God help you,
And protect your sons!
May the Lord be your weapons, defense and shield
So that the enemy does not scoff at them.
My fatherland!
God stand by you
In these terrible hours!

Mein Vaterland!
Gott steh dir bei,
Und führe dich zum Siege.
Er mach’ von jedem Feind dich frei
Im blutig, schweren Kriege.
Mein Vaterland!
Steh’ Gott dir bei
Im Krieg, im Kriegeswüten!

My fatherland!
God help you,
And lead you to victory.
He will free you from every enemy
In the bloody, difficult war.
My fatherland!
God stand by you
In war, in the fury of war!

Mein Vaterland
In deiner Not
Ich stündlich dein gedenke;
Daß er, der ewig starke Gott,
Kraft deinen Streitern schenke
Mein Vaterland!
Steh’ Gott dir bei!
Ich kann für dich nur beten!


My fatherland
In your need
I remember you every hour
That he, the eternally strong God,
May give strength to your warriors.
My fatherland!
God stand by you!
All I can do is pray for you!
