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An mein Kind
Opa – Rev. Ernst Heinrich Constantine Mueller – would have been about 40 years old when his fourth son Herbert was born (February 6, 1914). This four-stanza verse appeared in the ninth issue of Sängerbote, a few days after Herbert’s first birthday.
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An mein Kind
Laß mich deinem Lallen lauschen,
An deinen Augen mich berauschen
Du liebes Kind. |
About my child
Let me listen to your babble,
Be enraptured with your eyes,
You beloved child.
Was schlummert in dem Herzen dir?
Ich frag und forsche mit Begier
Der liebe Glut? |
What lies dormant in your heart?
I ask and search with eagerness
This loving glow?
Einst war ich jung und lebensfroh
Da sah ich Augen ebenso —
Es war mein Lieb. |
Once when I was young and full of life
I saw eyes just like this —
It was my love.
“Mein Lieb” — das ist die Mutter dein,
Sollt drum es wohl ein Wunder sein
Daß du so bist?
E. H. C. M. |
"My love" — that would be your mother,
Should it really be thought a miracle
That you are like this?
E. H. C. M.
| |